On September 23rd, the Silicon Valley Leadership Group held a voters registration rally at San Jose State University in the 7th street plaza. The purpose of this event was to increase voter awareness of local propositions on the tickets, as well as encourage voting among young people.
The event was co-sponsored by San Jose State University and West Valley Community College, both school's presidents were in attendance. Additional attendees included members of the San Francisco 49ers, local news anchors and state elected officials. Regardless of political views or party affiliation, all in attendance encouraged everyone to head to the polls on November 4th.
The rally began with Hip Hop music being spun by the DJ's of SJSU's radio station 90.5FM KSJS. The music gained attention from students that is when a crowd began to form around the stage. Shortly thereafter, an opening speech was given by the San Jose State University student president, followed by a keynote speech by San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed. Mayor Reed did not endorse any candidate but did stress the importance of voting for local propositions, which are vital to our city. After the Mayor finished his speech, several members of the San Francisco 49ers hit the stage; this gained much interest from the students.
In closing the San Jose State University band played the school fight song, and the California Secretary of State, gave the closing speech. The last election held within our country had a lack of young voters at the polls. This event was put forth through the city of San Jose to reach out to young people. The Silicon Valley Leadership Group provided music such as Hip Hop and gave students the chance to meet local celebrity athletes such as the 49ers. Yet, most importantly, the message within the event was not lost, and many students registered to vote for the first time on this day at the registering booths located around the main stage. Overall, the voters rally was a success due to the fact of the great number of people in attendance and the smooth flow of the events held within the rally.
1) When he heard the building plan for the new high school had been rejected, Bill pulled out his stationary to write a letter of protest.
2) Ben really knows his Scriptures, but he knows little about the Talmud or the Shariah.
3) Her home in upstate New York is surprisingly ultramodern and unique for its middle-class neighborhood.
4) To celebrate Veteran's Day, the anniversary of the armistice that ended World War I, troops of former soldiers will march down Main Street carrying U.S. flags.
5) Word-of-mouth has it that Ellen will wind up with the only "A" in the class.
6) When Sara spotted the Louis L'Amour paperback, she asked whose book it was. She couldn't believe it was John's ; after all nobody reads Westerns anymore. She had no idea he was such a weirdo.
1) The man was arrested for brandishing a 12-gauge shotgun outside his home.
Stakes high as Obama, McCain head for final debate
With Senator Barack Obama's lead widening in the polls over Senator John McCain, the Republican candidate needs to make up grown quickly. Wednesday night the two candidates will face off in the final of three presidential debates at the University of Hempstead in New York.
This debate will either seal the deal for Obama or open the door for McCain to catch up on the lead set by the Democrat nominee, according to polls. Both candidates will attempt to address issues such as the financial crisis and domestic policy.
The economic turmoil has reminded the nation of the unpopular policies of President Bush, thus reminding the public of his association with McCain. Therefore, McCain must come out strong in this debate with a set plan on action for the economy. Otherwise, McCain may lose his key voters, since he has already lost his swing voters, which are turning to Obama.
Impact : The lives of American voters will be influenced by this debate. This story is relevant to all American voters due to the fact that this is the final presidential debate before they head into the voting both on November 4th.
Timeliness : This story is very recent and current, the debate is happening this week and will have lasting effects into the election, and relevance to the politician that will be selected as president.
Prominence : This story contains high prominence due to the fact that Obama and McCain are in the public eye, through the media, commercials, television, and internet. They are most relevant figures within our country at this time.
1) A local college releases figures showing that its total busget is $120 million. Of that total, $80 million comes from the state, $6 million from student tuition, and the remaining $34 million from fees, grants, and gifts.
$120 million budget...
66%- State
28%- Fees, grants, gifts
5%- Student tuition
A local college releases figures showing that its total budget is $120 million. Of that total, 66 percent comes from the state, 28 percent comes from fees, grants, and gifts, and five percent comes from student tuition.
2) Your editor assigns you to do a story about prison sentences handed down in cases of aggravated assault. He gives you the following figures from an anti-crime group that is lobbying for tougher sentencing guidelines. The cases represent the people convicted for aggravated assault in San Jose in one month in 2006.
The average prison term is 22 months.
The median prison term is 12 months.
In the cases represented for people convicted of aggravated assault in the city of San Jose, the average prison term served is 22 months. The within the cases is 12 months, this would be the most accurate figure due to the fact that some prisoners served extremely longer than others, which increased the average prison term total dramatically.
3) The state legislature is considering exempting restaurant food sales from the sales tax in the same way grocery sales are exempt.
State sales tax : 8.25%
Individuals who spend $5 dollars a week would save $21.32 per year if the taxes were exempt.
$5 x 52 weeks = $260 per year
$5 x .0825 = .4125, round down to 41 cents $5 dollars = 5.41
$5.41 x 52 = $281.32
$281.32 - $260.00 = $21.32
An individual spending $20 per week on food would save $85.28.
1. He hopes to make $1 billion by the time he's 40. Already he figures his net worth is between $2 million and $3 million, depending on the current stock prices.
2. Lt. Col. John Carpenter was a Cadet at the U.S. Naval Academy and served in the 7th Fleet.
3. Twenty-one winners were named two days after the 3rd annual Procrastination Award ceremony.
4. It was a one-sided game, and he was a poor loser. After losing the playoff when his ball went out of bounds, he made an off-color remark that could be heard in the stands.
5. Hundreds of people attended Sunday's race to watch 75 top bicyclists pedal across the finish line.
6. Every winter, the Joneses and the Kinneys pore over travel brochures, planning their summer trip together. This year they're hoping to go to Panama City, Fla.
A runaway truck knocked out power yesterday when it overturned and smashed into a single-story house in El Cerrito, leaving several people injured.
The 10-wheeler truck left a path of destruction, snapped a power pole, and badly damaged five vehicles. Ruben Sharma who lives across the street from the incident said "First I thought it was a major earthquake." Sharma's yard was littered with bricks, broken glass, and car parts.
The accident occurred at 1:30pm yesterday, Sgt. Shawn Maples was the first to arrive at the scene. He heard cries coming from inside the house and the truck. Maples spotted the driver stuck between the wheels of the truck, which had been flipped on its side. Maples was able to grab the driver's hand and with help from Police Chief Scott Kirkland and Detective Ken Zinc, he was able to pull the driver to safety.
Most cars were not seriously damaged by the incident. A Honda sedan had to have the roof sliced open by rescuers to free the driver, and a sport utility vehicle carrying a man and boy was stuck in some shrubbery beside the burning house.
The driver of the truck, a San Jose man whose name wasn't released was listed as being in serious but stable condition at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek.
A young newlywed couple, whose names were not released, were victims of an attempted carjacking at a local Taco Bell on Saturday.
The suspect Alan Ticas-Soto, 21, attempted to steal the couple's car from the fast-food restaurant's parking lot on 4th street in San Mateo. As the husband was heading toward the restaurant, the suspect jumped into his 2003 Nissan Altima and attempted to drive off while his wife was still in the passenger seat.
According to police, the couple was unharmed and Ticas-Soto ended up smashing the car into a Taco Bell sign and then fled on foot. The suspect was later arrested by police a few blocks from the crime.
Ticas-Soto admitted to the police that he had been taking methamphetamines for the past three days. The suspect is now facing felony carjacking charges and misdemeanor drug chargers, Ticas-Soto faces up to nine years in prison if found guilty.
Sen. Barack Obama has claimed that Sen. John McCain's campaign is lanching "Swift boat-style attacks" on him instead of addressing the country's problems. Alaska Governor and McCain running mate Sarah Palin claimed that Obama associated "with terrorirsts who targeted their own country."
Palin questions Obama's association with William Ayers, a member of the Vietnam-era Weather Underground. Evidence proves Ayers and Obama worked together on community boards for education and hosted a political events early in Obama's career. Clearly, Palin's claims are over-exaggerated if not false, yet the McCain camp is gambling on taking advantage of the American public's ignorance.
Obama responded to the McCain campaign saying "That's what you do when you're out of touch, out of ideas, and running out of time." The McCain campaign continued to insist that these are "true facts" and not "smears."
We are four weeks away from the 2008 presidential election, so one can expect these attacks between campaigns to continue. While dirty tactics are being used by both sides of the ticket, citizens of America must remember to retain focus on relevant issues within the country.
It is not surprising that the McCain campaign is quick to pull out the terrorist card on Obama. It was only a few months ago when they made associations with Obama and terrorism due to Sen. Barack Obama's middle name which is Hussien. One must not be ignorant enough to let these attacks persuade them to make a decision of vote based on smear tactics.
These smear campaign tatics by the McCain camp may backfire in the end. Claiming that Barack Obama is affiliated with terrorists only screams out wekaness of a faltering campaign. Both camps better be ready for these last weeks leading up to the election, because accusations, over-exaggerations, and finger-pointing will continue from both sides. I guess the truth hurts sometimes.
Video of Sen. Barack Obama's repsonse to attacks...
Impact : This news story will have major impact on the lives on not only all Americans but the entire world as well. This upcoming election is one of the most important elections of my lifetime, the president selected in this election will have to lead America out of a war disaster and financial crisis, therefore this story impacts everyone.
Timeliness : This story is very current with the political issues at hand and contains relevance to the upcoming election which is only a few weeks away.
Prominence : This story focuses on the two individuals that will lead the country of the free world into the next decade, this individuals are of great importance.
Conflict : There is conflict within this story as it showcases the dirty tactics used with political campaigns by both sides of the ticket.
An underground gas pipe was severed today near Folsom and 11th street in San Francisco. A private construction crew was working to restore underground sewer lines when the 2-inch pipe was broken. Police shut down a four-block area as a Pacific Gas and Electric crews attempted to repair the damaged pipe.
The South Market area is back up with traffic, and pedestrians are standing along Folsom and 11th street. At least 100 people were forced to leave the area, including neighborhood residents, business owners, and customers.
Carlann Lauria, manager of Crocker's Lockers said her customers were "pretty irate." Crocker's Lockers is a self-storage company on Folsom street, the employees kept busy by staying outside police perimeters and collecting payment from customers.
Another local store manager, Samantha Feldman of Wa-Ha-Ka restaurant, said her employees and patrons were forced to evacuate, which led to her business losing $500 dollars because of the shutdown.
Pacific Gas and Electric reported that gas service was returned at 5:09pm.
I am a Radio/Television/Film major, with a minor in Public Relations at San Jose State University.
I also have a radio show on 90.5FM KSJS. Catch "iLLpHonics" Wednesday nights from 6pm - 10pm on 90.5FM KSJS. Hip Hop in its purest form.