Sen. Barack Obama has claimed that Sen. John McCain's campaign is lanching "Swift boat-style attacks" on him instead of addressing the country's problems. Alaska Governor and McCain running mate Sarah Palin claimed that Obama associated "with terrorirsts who targeted their own country."
Palin questions Obama's association with William Ayers, a member of the Vietnam-era Weather Underground. Evidence proves Ayers and Obama worked together on community boards for education and hosted a political events early in Obama's career. Clearly, Palin's claims are over-exaggerated if not false, yet the McCain camp is gambling on taking advantage of the American public's ignorance.
Obama responded to the McCain campaign saying "That's what you do when you're out of touch, out of ideas, and running out of time." The McCain campaign continued to insist that these are "true facts" and not "smears."
We are four weeks away from the 2008 presidential election, so one can expect these attacks between campaigns to continue. While dirty tactics are being used by both sides of the ticket, citizens of America must remember to retain focus on relevant issues within the country.
It is not surprising that the McCain campaign is quick to pull out the terrorist card on Obama. It was only a few months ago when they made associations with Obama and terrorism due to Sen. Barack Obama's middle name which is Hussien. One must not be ignorant enough to let these attacks persuade them to make a decision of vote based on smear tactics.
These smear campaign tatics by the McCain camp may backfire in the end. Claiming that Barack Obama is affiliated with terrorists only screams out wekaness of a faltering campaign. Both camps better be ready for these last weeks leading up to the election, because accusations, over-exaggerations, and finger-pointing will continue from both sides. I guess the truth hurts sometimes.
Video of Sen. Barack Obama's repsonse to attacks...
Impact : This news story will have major impact on the lives on not only all Americans but the entire world as well. This upcoming election is one of the most important elections of my lifetime, the president selected in this election will have to lead America out of a war disaster and financial crisis, therefore this story impacts everyone.
Timeliness : This story is very current with the political issues at hand and contains relevance to the upcoming election which is only a few weeks away.
Prominence : This story focuses on the two individuals that will lead the country of the free world into the next decade, this individuals are of great importance.
Conflict : There is conflict within this story as it showcases the dirty tactics used with political campaigns by both sides of the ticket.
Good story and good commentary (and I totally agree!), but for this assignment you need to clearly identify the news values that make this story newsworthy.
7/10 - please revise and repost
reposted with new values included. thanks!
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