Sunday, November 23, 2008

Copy Edit the World #2 (REVISED)

The above photo was found when I purchased a 12 pack of Rolling Rock beer at a Safeway Supermarket in San Jose. On the case of beer was a sticker reminding people about getting their flu shots.

Don't Forget Your Flu Shot?

should be...

Don't Forget Your Flu Shot.

This photo was taken at a parking lot in Sunnyvale. Clearly, someone forgot a letter or the letter was rubbed off over time.

Reserved Parkin

should be...

Reserved Parking

This photo was taken at a Chinese restaurant in Mountain View. The restaurant had their menu posted on their window, oddly enough they missed their error for their string beans.

Dry Satueed String Beans 

should be...

Dry Sauteed String Beans

This last photo was taken from the San Jose Mercury News sports section. If you look closely at the last paragraph on the right side, the first sentence contains an error.

That is good new for rookie forward Anthony Marrow.

should be...

That is good news for rookie forward Anthony Marrow.

These photos were taken in or around the Bay Area.

1 comment:

camccune said...

Thank you for reposting this with documentation. I particularly like the "satueed" string beans.

4+4+4+2=14 points